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What we do

We build an inclusive space designed to strengthen the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, wherein our kids tie a safety and solidarity net.

We aim to dismantle some the obstacles caused by children’s precarious situations by providing fair access to learning opportunities.

We strive to give our children the tools to integrate in the local community and succeed in their schooling years.
Our goals

Our methodology

as means to engage with the Turkish and Syrian community life.

to combine the learning process with occasions for social and intercultural exchanges.

to nurture kids' creativity and help stimulate their full potential.
Our Labs

Turkish Labs aim to facilitate access to the Turkish education system. Enrolling in school enhances children's chances of developing a sense of belonging and engaging with the local community
Turkish Labs

Arabic Labs are meant to maintain and improve kids' mother tongue and strengthen the connection with their culture of origin.
Arabic labs

Kids are introduced to the English language through activities led by international volunteers. The lab aims to enhance children's integration in today's global society.
English Labs

Art Labs stimulate children's creativity, imagination and manual skills through a range of activities, including handcrafting, painting and drawing.
Art Labs

To raise awareness on climate change and encourage environmental friendly behaviors, we teach our kids how to recycle and reinvent daily-life objects.
Environmental Labs
Math Labs combine exercises with fun activities. The gamification method facilitates the development of analytical and logical thinking.
Math Games Labs

Experimenting biology, looking closer at things with a microscope, nutrition for understanding which foods are necessary for our health, exploring the variety of animals and plants in different parts of the globe: all of this is Science Lab!
Science Labs
During our Cinema Lab we exercise our creativity in storytelling and video-making, understanding the role of the director, the actors, the script writer and the camera operators.
Once the idea for a new video is ready, we also craft our own homemade costumes!
Cinema Labs

Theater Lab is an engaging path for children to work in groups and socialize with each other.
Gamification is the toll that our trainers use to guide us through developing stories and the basics of acting. All together we also craft our own puppets for an amazing puppet show!
Theater Labs

Handamed Lab is a multidisciplinary learning in Kids Rainbow. We combine recycled materials and imagination to create new objects for common use or decorations, and we also learn Crochet to make wool and cotton hats, scarves or shirts, to bring at home as a little gift.
Handmade and Crafting Labs

In Kids Rainbow we recognize the importance of Child Protection in all its elements. For this, we provide Psychosocial Support with expert psychologists that help children and their family for a healthier quality of life.
Psycho Social Support Labs
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